Celty Sturluson (セルティ ストゥルルソン, Seruti Sutoruruson), also known as "The Black Rider" of "The Headless Rider", is a Dullahan from Ireland who came to Japan looking for her stolen head. Her motorcycle is actually a horse in disguise, which she has named Shooter. She has no head and perceives via unknown sensors that are not located on the head. The physical strength she possesses is above human, though not quite on par with Shizuo Heiwajima and Simon Brezhnev. She is also capable of manipulating a shadow-like, durable substance to form objects ranging from gloves to chariots at her will.
Celty lives with Shinra Kishitani and works as an underground transporter. She wears a helmet when she goes out and communicates via a PDA. She enjoys online chatting, televisie and DVDs. Her online screen name is "Setton."
In her early years, it is shown that Celty wore knights armor as she travelled the country side with her head resting on her lap. When she immigrated to japan, she updates her attire to match the times For most of the series, Celty is shown to wear an all black biker jumpsuit with black gloves and shoes. All of her clothing is made from a shadowy substance that materializes around her at her will. She also wears a yellow and blue helmet that vaguely resemble the shape of a cat's head. As far as physical features go, Celty isn't particularly imposing although she does have above average strength. Her head is also shown to have brown hair and green eyes the few times it is shown on screen.
Celty's personality is, ironically, one of the most normal and down to earth compared to most of the other cast. Although she was fairly emotionless in her early life, she has since developed a much meer defined personality as she spent meer time with people. She is generally a confident and optimistic individual although she is not without her insecurities. Chief among these are her concerns about how people will react to her inhuman nature. In the start of the series, Celty tends to avoid most people as they usually react negatively upon realizing she has no head. However, she has recently begun opening up meer to people as she encounters others who are not only accepting of the supernatural (such as with Shizuo of Anri) but seem to revel in it (such as Mikado of Izaya).
Aside from developing a meer human personality, she has also developed a few human interests. She is shown to enjoy watching films and playing videogames but has developed an odd phobia of aliens. Something that has been used for comic relief throughout the series.
Reasoning of her mission:
The reasoning behind her need to find her head is so much of her fear of death. Celty explains in thought that she wants to control the way she lives and ultimately dies. Without her head in her possession, that decision isn't hers to make, which causes her to fear the fact that she is no longer in control of her life. She is also seen explaining in Episode 4 that another reason she desires to reunite with her head is to restore her memories and figure out why she was there in the first place.
Celty is a dullahan, a creature from Celtic lore who guides souls to the afterlife. Not much is known about her early life. The earliest point in her history that is known is the dag she woke up to find her head was missing. She remembered her name, her abilities, and what she was but not much else. Celty sitll felt a faint connection to her head and used it to travel accross Ireland in pursuit of it. Eventually, her zoek required her to cross the sea to japan and so she stowed away on a ship imbound to the small Island nation. She is eventually discovered door a young Shinra Kishitani who promptly brought this to the attention of his father, Shingen. She changes her horse to a motorcycle.
Celty and Shingen worked out a deal where he would keep Celty's secret while she would allow him to perform a full autopsy. Celty agreed and went through with the procedure but eventually passed out from the pain. Once she arrived in Japan, Celty would continue her zoek while acting as Shinra's caretaker when Shingen was away. As she continued to spend time around humans, it allowed her to devlop meer as a person and cause her to develop close bonds with unique citizens of the city.
Shinra Kishitani:
Shinra first met Celty after spotting her hiding in the cargo hold of a ship he and his father were taking to Japan. At this point in time, What Shinra felt towards her was merely a sense of awe and wonder at such a mysterious creature. Shinra continued to remain interested in Celty as he grew up and this curiosity eventually evolved into love. Celty, on the otherhand, remained indifferent towards Shinra for most of his life and even seemed to find him detestable at times. However, as she spent meer time around humans and developed her emotions, she began to reciprocate Shinra's feelings.
In episode 12, of at the end of Volume 1 of the Light Novels, Shinra displayed his desire to remain with Celty no matter what in that he intentionally kept the location of her head from her because he feared that if she reclaimed it, she would leave him. After all was zei and done, he allowed Celty to punch him after what he did to Mika Harima. Then he punches Celty's helmet off saying that she looks good even though she dosen't have a head.
In Volumes 5 and 6 of the Light Novels, there were several sections called "The Lovey-Dovey Prattles of an Underground Doctor", which were obviously narrated door Shinra. As the titel implies, each and every one of them has Shinra rambling on about something and somehow stearing the subject over to his love of Celty. While he initially starts off talking to himself and even Celty about it, he begins to talk about his feelings towards people who toon up at his house such as Shizuo and Tom in Part 3, and even Shiki in Part 5. In Part 4, Shinra was writing a diary entry about imaginating Celty in many different types of outfits, inclusive of gunslinger outfits and even a sailor outfit.
In a flashback in Volume 8, Shinra was shown to be protective over Celty to the point where he threatened Aoba, who was trying to befriend Celty, with his scalpel beause he sensed Aoba's ulterior motives.
While not nearly as obsessive of single minded in her affection as Shinra is, Celty does genuinely love Shinra. While Shinra's energetic and often overbearing personality can wear her out at times, she also appears to find his cheerful disposition to be comforting as well. When the two finally admit their feelings for one another, Celty becomes less and less preoccupied with searching for her head and thinks meer and meer about her future with Shinra as Shown in volume 4 where, after getting paid for letting Emilia run experiments on her, she thought of buying him a new DVD player. In volume 9, while Shinra is recovering from his injuries inflicted door Kisuke, Celty expresses a thinly contained rage and a strong desire for revenge. It even gets to the point to where she contemplates killing Izaya when she briefly suspects him of being behind the assault.
In the beginning, the main conflict in their relationship was their opinions on Celty's head. While Celty wanted to locate her head, and door extension, her memories, at all costs, Shinra repeatedly attempts to disuade her from continuing her search, occasionally disregarding her feelings on the matter. This unsurprisingly caused a few sparks to fly between them and it reaches its peak after Celty realizes Shinra had kept her head's location from her the entire time. The two have since reconciled and, while Celty does still occasionally continue her search, she doesn't feel as much urgency as she did before.
Currently, the only real bron of conflict between the two, as stated in the vorige section, is Shinra's over-obsessiveness towards her. However, considering that Celty has known Shinra since he was child, she developed a tolerance for this long before they even made their relationship official.
Shingen Kishitani:
Celty doesn't have a very favorable opinion of Shinra's father. It has likely been made even worse when it's revealed that Shingen was the one who actually stole Celty's head. Celty considers Shingen to be nothing meer than a creepy old man and doesn't like putting up with him meer than necessary. Likewise, Shingen considers Celty to be a monster as well as an idiot as shown when he objects to her and Shinra's plans to get married as well as when he taunts her when he accidentaly reveals he stole her head.
Emilia Kishitani:
Celty's relationship with Emilia is a lot meer positive than her relationship with Shingen. While she does get slightly annoyed with Emilia at times, it never gets to the point to where they start arguing like with Shingen. There is always a tinge of awkwardness whenever Celty also enjoys taking jobs from Emilia mostly due to the fact that she usually pays very well.
Shizuo Heiwajima:
Celty and Shizuo have been shown to get along very well throughout the series. This most likely due to both of them being incredibly abnormal compared to the average person. Shizuo and Celty would often be seen talking to each other in their spare time and would often confide in each other about their problems and give advice. Shizuo also seems to care about Celty a great deal as shown when he got fired up about how Celty was attacked door the slasher and didn't hesitate to kick down Izaya's door when it was implied that he was somehow behind it.
Izaya Orihara:
Celty doesn't appear to like Izaya in general. She prefers not to deal with him meer than is necessary which is a bit of a problem since many of Celty's jobs come from Izaya in the first place. She always suspects him of being involved with many of the major events that happen in the city and doesn't trust him at all. Izaya considers Celty to be one of many different pawns at his disposal. When he obtains Celty's head, he developes a theory that Dullahans from Celtic mythology are the same as Valkyries from Norse Mythilogy. Since Valkyries only appear in battlefields, Izaya wants to start an all out war in Ikebukuro in an attempt to awaken Celty's powers as a valkyrie and ascend into heaven, if it indeed exists.
Mikado Ryuugamine:
Celty considers Mikado to be a very close friend. This is mostly due to the fact that, even after he saw her true nature, he didn't treat her any differently than anyone else. She is willing to help Mikado at a moments notice and will not hesitate to jump in if things get dicey. However, she respects his position as the founder of the dollars and, if asked, she will refrain from helping if that is what Mikado wishes
Anri Sonohara:
Like Mikado, Celty considers Anri a very close friend. Anri would frequently ask Celty for advice with Saika as well as what she should do during some of the meer tense events during the series such as the gang war with the yellow scarves. In the light novel, after being attacked door Vorona, Celty offered to let Anri stay with her and Shinra until everything calmed down. In volume 2 of the light novels, Anri expresses a vague attraction to Celty, much to Mikado's surprise, but never brings it up again.
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